tak co pan Trhoň ?, já jsem se teď dokopal s pomocí strejdy googla (překladače, páč má english není rozhodně 100%
) k volnému překladu http://www.tortoisetrust.org/articles/dietaryfibre .html
a jsem rád, že je tam panem A. C. Highfieldem de fakto potvrzeno (a rozšířeno ) co jsem tu tvrdil a granulích vyrobených tep. extruzí
jen kousek citace:
For ease of extrusion, commercial manufacturers typically utilise fine particles and softer grade fibres. Donoghue and Langenberg (op. cit.) also point out that processes used in extrusion and pelleting involve high temperatures that partially destroy labile vitamins. Such processes typically also degrade the protective integrity of the plant cells by damaging the waxy cuticle. It has already been noted (above) that the more a whole plant part is chopped, ground, degraded or processed the greater the number of cells that will be immediately exposed to immediate microbial attack. There is, therefore, a major difference in derived energy between a tortoise consuming nearly-whole plant parts and a tortoise consuming highly processed plant parts with very much more surface area available to the gut microflora.
jinak asi by to chtělo "nové téma" tady je to OT , omlouvám se a děkuji Petrovi60 za odkazy