Jungle Retic jsou úžasné, ale je jich taky jenom pár. Tady je fotka zvířete, které vzniklo z Bateatera a Platinum Retic, jenom nemohu najít fotku, kde je už odrostlé a vybarvené. Poté výňatek z rozhovoru s Kevinem McCurley z New England Reptile Distributors, stvořitelů Bateatera, aby bylo vidět, že ani outcrossy s výchozími druhy nejsou vůbec snadné.
http://www.newenglandreptile.com/nerd/index.php/re ticulated-pythons/jungle-platinum.html
NERD,INC: Borneo bateater...breed a retic to a burm and get some infertile eggs and maybe some good hybrids. I bred them together and failed to get good eggs, they were sterile.....I have to try to outbreed them. Breed a bateater to a retic and you can make jungle retics.. They are harder to produce but GORGEOUS!!!!
NERD,INC: Yes, I made them!! Jungle retics. This past year I failed/...... No, it is all me witch! i made over 144 bad potential jungle eggs on a bad roll