Nedalo mi to. Takze jeste jeden kousek textu pro zamysleni nad inkubaci vajicek u chameleonu. Mozna i nad tym, jestli se clovek vynechanim uceni se cizim jazykum neochuzuje o kontakt se svetem mimo.
Embryonic diapause in chameleons has been documented by direct observations
on embryos of a few species in the subgenus Chamaeleo and the genus Furcifer
(Bons and Bons, 1960; Blanc, 1970), and is inferred from the long incubation
periods of other species in these taxa (Necas, 1999). Incubation periods of six
months to a year or more (Ferguson, 1994; Necas, 1999) are likely to include a
period of diapause; incubation periods of two to three months are typical of lizards
that lay eggs of a similar mass (1–1.5 g) of chameleon eggs (Birchard and
Marcellini, 1996). During diapause, chameleon embryos remain at the gastrula
stage for several months or more after oviposition. For example, the average length
of diapause for embryos of Chamaeleo calyptratus is 70 days at an incubation
temperature of 28°C (Andrews and Donoghue, 2004).
Why does diapause characterise these particular groups of chameleons? Eggs of
the temperate and sub-tropical Chamaeleo chamaeleon and Chamaeleo zeylanicus
are laid in the autumn and hatching occurs the following summer or autumn and
so the embryos are in diapause during winter months (Bons and Bons, 1960;
Minton, 1966; Cuadrado and Loman, 1999). Eggs of the tropical Furcifer lateralis
and Furcifer pardalis are laid during the wet (warm) season and hatching does not
occur until the following wet season; so embryos are in diapause during the dry
(cool) season (Blanc, 1970; Bourgat, 1970; Schmidt, 1986).
Diapause may reflect adaptation to climatic seasonality if diapausing gastrulae
are better able to withstand cool or dry conditions than more developed embryos.
On the other hand, diapause may be less related to the development of the embryo
per se than to the time when the eggs hatch. Embryonic diapause would thus
serve as mechanism that positions hatching at a time most suitable for the survival
of neonates when they leave the nest. Eggs of varanid lizards invariably hatch
during the wet season at the time of maximum abundance of prey for neonates...
Zdroj je nejaka kniha, kde napsal R. M. Andrews kapitolu (Chapter 4: Patterns of embryonic development) o vyvinu chameleonich embryi. nevim, z jake to je knihy, ale jiste to lze dohledat na internetu, na coz zrovna nemam cas. Ve skratce se tam pise, ze tropicti furciferove kladou vejce ve vlhke sezone a tyto pak museji preckat suchou sezonu a vylihnou se az v dalsi vlhke sezone; zarodky jsou tedy v diapauze (zastaveni vyvinu), ktera jim zaruci vylihnuti do toho spravneho obdobi. Predtim se autor zamysli nad tim, ze tato diapauza je zrejme charakteristicka pro urcitou skupinu chameleonu a jak vlastne jesterky vcetne chamiku maji taky nejakou diapauzu, ze jemenak ji ma kolem 70 dnu. Necetl jsem to cele, ale v zasade ta stat pravi, ze tropicti chameleoni skutecne maji dlouhou inkubacni dobu.
Vyvstava otazka, zda se to neda obejit nasimulovanim nevhodneho obdobi stimulujiciho diapauzu, treba na ten mesic-dva, a pak se vratit do klasicke inkubace, kdy se zarodek zase rozjede. Ze sve zkusenosti muzu mluvit trebas o halancich, kterym se takto simuluje vyschnuti vody na (napr.) sest tydnu a pak se vajicka zalejou, coz je pohne k dokonceni vyvinu. Ktery akvarista by prece chtel cekat cely rok, nez zase zaprsi... . Mozna prave tato simulace obdobi sucha je to utajovane "know-how" uspesnych chovatelu tropickych chameleonu.
Omlouvam se za ten vylev, ale fakt mne to dost zaujalo. Chovu zdar!