Přidat otázku mezi oblíbenéZasílat nové odpovědi e-mailem Boa constrictor - krce? krutenie hlavou

Stress, temperature, too large a prey item, handling too soon, and dehydration are all probably contributing to your problems. First step is to get your snake re-hydrated.... a 24 hour soak in a 50/50 mix of clear pedialyte and water would be a first step. Start with water barely warm to the touch and put it on a heat pad set on low and leave it alone. Make sure you have a balled up cloth or something so the snake has something to "hold on to" in the soak. Next get your temps in the cage up to the lower 90's on the hot side, humidity level in the mid 40% range. Once the snake has had it's soak and it's back in the properly setup cage then you need to make sure you keep a small bowl of water with some pedialyte available at all times. (You may also try to the search function available on this site and search for an article written on Benebac that was written and posted here at RTB by JuliusSqueezer. This should be helpful for in your situation.)
After waiting at least 14 days with no handling you can attempt a feeding.
(Unless you are using the benebac treatment) When you offer the food start small... at biggest half the size of the thickest part of the snake. Put the snake in it's cage after it eats and do not touch the snake for at least 48 hours.
If it regurgitates again then a vet visit and the benebac treatment is a must!
Zdroj : http://www.redtailboa.net/forums/health-issues/139 75-help-new-snake-sick-ibd-parasite.html

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