Venom Defender Snake Gloves
Tady přikládám příspěvek o těchto rukavicích, možná by to někoho mohlo zajímat. Když ne tak to smažte.
People learn not only from their own mistakes but ideally also from those made by their fellow contemporaries (I do all the time). So why not post the most scary events that happened to you during your time as a herpetoculturist? Here's one that happened to me some 10 years ago.
At that time I was routinely using thick leather gloves to handle various elapids of moderate size, such as Aspidelaps. One day, in a hurry, I decided to use them on an adult Naja haje legionis, a snake that was with me for quite some time and of which I was convinced that it was on the more placid side. That turned out to be a bad mistake. The snake hit right through the left index finger glove with both fangs, and in the same moment I sensed a fluid running down my finger and hand. Luckily, the offender had missed my finger and instead injected its venom in the empty space between the glove and my flesh. When I took off the gloves I was even more shocked when I saw how much venom was injected; it must have been about 1 milliliter (one gram of fluid) - certainly several lethal doses. From that time on I gave up competely on using gloves for this business.
Klaus Roemer
tady je odkaz na případnou diskuzi k tomu: http://www.venomland.net/t6335-most-scary-events-o f-your-herper-career#43798