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Nedávno jsem to zrovna řešil.

Snad pomůže aspoň trochu tohle:

The most accurate way to sex them is by the presence of nuptial pads on the "thumbs".
http://i827.photobucket.com/albums/zz200/pez-rodri guez19/pac-man3.jpg

Males have them and females don't. I hear males that aren't in breeding condition have reduced pads and as such may be harder to see.
Males also have looser throat skin than females(for calling).
http://i827.photobucket.com/albums/zz200/pez-rodri guez19/pac-man1-1.jpg

The general overall size of the frog can also be a good indicator. Male cranwelli grow to about 3-3 1/2 inches Females to about 4-4 1/2.
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